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October 14, 2020 2 min read

Hello Moonbeams!!!

Welcome gorgeous Librans…to the most IMPORTANT and LIFE Defining Month for YOU

this Year! The new moon in Libra on October 16 is a beacon of hope in the midst of a

month of spooky happenings. The Super New Moon marks the midpoint between 2 full

moons and is a game changer.

The predominance of planets in Capricorn at this new moon puts social justice front and

center so we're going right to the heart of what we have been learning for the entirety

of 2020-it is time. With her voice so strong now, we’ll be pushed to coexist and operate

with equality. Libra wouldn’t have it any other way.

There’s a collective rebirth happening as we speak, and lucky for us Libra is all about balance, fairness, justice and the sacred connection between the divine feminine and sacred masculine-all qualities that are badly needed now. The key to coming out of all this chaos is to tap into our own scales of justice; find balance, amidst a very unbalanced terrain.

New Moons are a time to set new intentions for yourself and also for our world. The

October new moon is all about self-growth and major truths will be revealed. What can

you do to bring peace and harmony into your world? Can we use these unleashed

energies and move towards the energy of eternal love?

Despite the slow crawl of 2020, what’s meant to happen to each of us is unfolding in

exactly the way it needs to. Whether you realize it or not, the universe is a divine and

protective force. While there is no doubt that things are getting more intense, they are

also leading us closer to our next momentous chapters. Take moments to find your

balance as you journey ahead.

Time also to sprinkle some fairy dust because Libra is the relationship guru! That

beautiful Libra moon will shine on your relationships and reveal what is not in balance.

While Libra energy sometimes seems to be all fairy dust, rose petals, and chocolate, the

deep Libra spirit knows how to cut through the bullshit and see all with open eyes.

The freak flags will fly on Saturday, October 31, a powerful Halloween/Samhain with a

Full Blue Moon in sensual Taurus. And as if all this wasn’t enough, Mercury—the

planet that rules technology, communication and the postal system—will turn

retrograde from October 13 to November 3 in the obsessive, paranoid sign of Scorpio.

Yes, my dears ending right on election day.

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