Full Moon Sale🎊 Enjoy 10–60% Off on Online Sessions
Full Moon Sale🎊 Enjoy 10–60% Off on Online Sessions
April 13, 2022 2 min read 1 Comment
Hello Moonbeams!!!
Each night, the moon kisses secretly the lover who counts the stars. ~unknown
Another month, another Full Moon! This important Full Moon dawns on April
16th (2:55pm EST) in my favorite delightfully balanced air sign. When the Moon
transits an astrological sign, it carries the traits of that particular sign. So,
embrace the power of the Pink Moon, sweeties, because April is Libra time!!!
To all you genuine through-and through Libra souls, there is no mistaking us. We
are the artists, peacemakers, and lovers. The Libra personality is naturally kind,
cooperative, and gracious. Charming and easy to like, Libra loves art, harmony,
beauty, and intelligent conversation. Plus, with those scales of justice, it’s all
about balance, balance, balance in everything!!! Especially love...with a Venusian
ruling planet, Libra loves to love, and this enchanting air sign is there to guide
you into the realm of love and romance. However, the air has been filled lately
with agitation, unease and turmoil (probably due to some tricky Pluto
interference), leaving many of us feeling a bit scattered and out of sorts. Now is
the time to let go of all that is throwing you off center…Relationships will be
heightened & amped; intense and Libra, you will definitely struggle to maintain
your diplomatic ways. The Libra moon reminds us that we need to lead from a
compassionate heart because love is all there is.
Our April moon will help you see what relationships need to change or released.
What no longer serves, goals and dreams that we have been seeding
all winter will not move forward. Caution is needed though, so approach changes
and relationships with a conscious and compassionate frame of mind.
For ritual purposes, you will feel a strong lunar pull from 3-4 days before and
after the Full Moon. All full moons are about letting go, but with the intensity of
Pluto in the picture Libra’s natural diplomacy and compassion will be needed to
resolve any conflicts, especially with relationships.
It is time to ask yourself:
Where do I give my power away in relationships?
Is there a relationship in my life that is out of balance?
Do I continually tend to others without tending to myself?
It is time to create a new universe within yourself, examining and breaking old
patterns, destroying what should not be revived, feeding in secret what needs to
Until next month, my loves...Stay in your magick
Debbi Quinn
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June 22, 2022
LOVE that this image incorporates the Crete double bee pendant and Serpent goddess!
… and the opening quote!!! Each night, the moon kisses secretly the lover who counts the stars. ~unknown
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