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300 Hour Hatha Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training | Online Course

Take Your Teaching to the Next Level!

The Full Circle Yoga School's 300 Hour online yoga teacher training is designed for individuals who seek to use yoga as a transformative tool for their mind, body, and soul. This Yoga Alliance-certified course welcomes anyone who is interested in uncovering deep truth, well-being, and healing through the practice of yoga. Upon successful completion of the program, students will earn a 300hr Yoga Alliance certificate through Full Circle Yoga School, a Registered Yoga School (RYS).

It's important to note that to enroll in this program, students must have already completed a 200 hour yoga teacher training course. This ensures that all students have a solid foundation in the fundamentals of yoga, allowing them to take their practice to the next level with the 300 hour program in Key West.


What You'll Learn


The Course

Taking a 300-hour yoga teacher training with Full Circle Yoga School can be a transformative experience for individuals who are passionate about yoga and committed to deepening their practice and teaching skills. Here are some reasons why someone may choose to take a 300-hour training with Full Circle Yoga School:

  1. Deepen your knowledge and skills: A 300-hour training offers an opportunity to dive deeper into advanced practices, philosophies, and methodologies of yoga that are not typically covered in a 200-hour training. It provides a more in-depth exploration of yoga postures, alignment, anatomy, and sequencing.
  2. Enhance your teaching skills: A 300-hour training offers advanced teaching skills, techniques, and tools that can help you become a more confident, skilled, and effective yoga teacher. It provides an opportunity to refine your teaching skills, learn advanced adjustments and modifications, and develop new teaching methods and strategies.
  3. Expand your practice: A 300-hour training offers an opportunity to explore different styles of yoga and to develop your personal practice with advanced poses, pranayama, and meditation techniques. It provides an opportunity to deepen your connection to yourself and your own spiritual practice.
  4. Join a supportive community: Full Circle Yoga School offers a supportive and inclusive community of like-minded individuals who share a passion for yoga and personal growth. You will have the opportunity to connect with and learn from experienced teachers and other students from all over the world.
  5. Advance your career: A 300-hour training is a significant investment in your personal and professional development as a yoga teacher. It can help you stand out in a crowded field and differentiate yourself as a highly skilled and knowledgeable teacher.

Whether you have questions about a specific module, need guidance on your personal practice, or simply want to connect with our knowledgeable team of instructors and fellow students, we are here for you. We encourage you to schedule a call with us at any point during your course so that we can provide the support and guidance you need to succeed.

The Elements

30+ Hrs Yin Yoga- Graduate Teaching a Full Yin Yoga Class

Kundalini Yoga- Graduate Teaching Kriyas Interwoven Into Your Yoga Classes

Ayurvedic Aromatherapy-Benefits & Uses

Space Holding - Strength Through Softening and Responsive vs. Reactive Leadership Daily Meditations

Trauma & Tension Releaseย 

Trauma Informed Teaching

Intro Intuitive Arts

Who am I Really and Why Am Iย Here?

What Does it Mean to Be an Empowered Teacher?

Daily Meditations

Shadow Work Workshop

Intuitive Writing & Meditation Workshop

How To Create & Hold Sacredย Ceremonies


Yoga Sutra Study

Bhagavad Gita Study

Chakra Study & Going Beyond 7 into the 13 Chakras

Personal Ethics & For Teaching



Adding To Your Toolbox

Creative Sequencing

Living A Yogic Life, Life as a Moving Meditation

Energetic Alignment

Bandas & Going Deeper, Yoga From the Inside Out

Advanced-Steps Toward Arm Balances,ย Headstand, Handstand, Forearm Balance

12 Hours In Depth Yoga Anatomy as applied to Body, Muscles, Bones, Systems, Fascia, and Beyond

Manifestation as part of daily life and weaving it into your classes

Salutations - Moon,ย Egyptian, Seated, Kneeling, Half, With Crescent Lunge

Strengthening Your Intuition

Safety & Injury Prevention in Asana

Working with Injuries

Self Development

The Curriculum


Coursework- Begin Once You Register (23:43)

Welcome Video from Full Circle Yoga School Owner Jolie Wilson (4:50)

Course Resources (13:03)

Module 1:

Morning Asana with Molly Moon (3:32)

Gratitude Journal 1

Bhagavad Gita Intro with Nina (4:10)

Yoga Sutras Introduction with Shelly (1:50)

Effective Language in Asana with Kati

Exploring Emotional Pain in the Body with Jolie

Finding your Dharma- Meditation #1 with Molly Moon (27:46)

Who am I really? with Molly Moon (15:45)



Module 2:

Morning Asana 'Mobility Flow' with Nina

Gratitude Journal 2

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 1 'Arjuna's Despair' with Ninaoga Sutras Yamas with Shelly

Bandhas Asana Lab with Kati and Jesse

The Rainbow Bridge Meditation #2 with Surya (6:44)

Subtle Energy & the Nadis with Surya (47:21)

Sobagh Kundalini Abundance Kriya with Jolie Wilson (33:03)



Module 3:

Morning Asana with Kati

Gratitude Journal 3

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 'The Practice of Yoga' with Nina

Yoga Sutras Niyamas with Shelly

Connect to your Higher Self Meditation with Nina

Anatomy of Breath with Jolie (6:58)

Becoming an Empowered Teacher with Molly Moon (192:50)



Module 4:

Morning Asana with Solaya

Gratitude Journal 4

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 3 'The Yoga of Action' with Nina

Yoga Sutras with Shelly Day 4

Elemental Exploration Meditation #7- Surya

Energetics of Yoga - Kati

Praana Praanee Praanayam Kundalini Breath Technology - With Jolie

Influential Yogi- Yogananda Philosophy with Jackie Gladney (64:14)

Doshas and Ayurvedic Yoga Sequencing- Molly Moon (96:18)



Module 5:

Morning Asana with Molly Moon

Gratitude Journal 5

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 4 'The Yoga of Wisdom' with Nina

Yoga Sutras with Shelly Day 5

Why we prepare the body Asana Lab- Kati/Jesse

Kundalini Yoga For Prosperity with Jolie (45:57)

Vayus and Koshas- Stefanie (122:31)

Koshas Visualizations Meditation - ShellySanskrit

Module 6:

Morning Asana with Shelly (76:28)

Gratitude Journal 6

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 5 'The Yoga of Renunciation' with Nina

The Yoga Sutras with Shelly Day 6

Recovery through Functional Movement and Organic Expression- Asana Lab Kati

5D Consciousness Meditation with Nina

A Story of Souls Choosing Their Next Life - Jolie

Gods of Yoga- Megan (68:21)



Module 7:

Morning Asana 'Kundalini Hatha Fusion' with Jolie

Gratitude Journal 7

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 6 'The Yoga of Meditation' with Nina

Yoga Sutras with Shelly Day 7

Sun Salutations and modifications Asana Lab - Kati/Jesse

Storytelling Meditation with Shelly

20th Century Modern Gurus travel West- Jackie (60:55)

Gods of Yoga- Megan (49:09)



Module 8: Earth Star Chakra

Asana with Kati

Gratitude Journal

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 7 'Wisdom and Realization' with Nina

Yoga Sutras with Shelly Day 8Earth Star Chakra - Kati

Salutation Variations Asana Lab- Kati/Jesse

Earth Star Chakra mediation #11 - Jolie

Holding Space as a non reactive leader- Molly Moon


Module 9:

Asana Pre-Natal Yoga - Surya Light

Gratitude Journal

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 8 'Absolute Freedom' with Nina

Yoga Sutras with Shelly Day 9

Pre-Natal Asana Lab - Surya

Root Chakra- Kati

Root Chakra Asana Lab- Kati/Jesse

Mediumship Meditation with Jolie

Cosmic Footprint- Asiya (92:05)


Module 10:

Root Chakra Morning Asana #13- Jolie

Gratitude Journal

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 'The Secret of Life' with Nina

Yoga Sutras- Shelly

Prenatal Yoga Asana Lab- Surya

Earth Healing Meditation #13- Surya

Grounded Compassion with Molly Gene

Module 11: Sacral Chakra

Sacral Chakra Asana #14- Kati

Gratitude Journal

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 10 'Divine Manifestations' with Nina

Yoga Sutras- Shelly

Sacral Chakra- Kati

Hips Asana Lab- Kati/Jesse

Lightworker & Starseed Meditation with Nina

Creative Expression with Molly Gene----------------------

Module 12: Sacral Chakra 2

Sacral Chakra Asana #15- Stefani

Gratitude Journal

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 11 'The Cosmic Vision' with Nina

Yoga Sutras- Shelly

Asana Lab- Stablize- Kati/Jesse

Sacral Meditation #15- SuryaUnlocking the Creative Force within- Surya


Module 13: Solar Plexus

Solar Plexus Chakra Asana #16- Shelly

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 12 'The Yoga of Devotion' with Nina

Yoga Sutras- ShellySolar Plexus- Kati

Core Qualities Asana Lab- Kati/Jesse

Empowered Flower Meditation #16- Stefanie

Shadow Work with Nina (14:11)


Module 14: Solar Plexus 2

Solar Plexus Asana #17- Asiya

Gratitude Journal

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 13 'The Field and its Knower' with Nina

Yoga Sutras- ShellyTwists- asana Lab- Kati/Jesse

Solar Plexus meditation- Solaya

Spirit Energy Guidance- Solaya


Module 15: Heart Chakra

Heart Chakra Asana #15- Molly Moon (0:25)

Gratitude Journal

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 14 'The Three Gunas' Nina

Yoga Sutras- ShellyHeart Chakra - Kati

Backbends 1 Asana Lab- Kati/Jesse

Heart Chakra Meditation #18- Asiya

Karmic Healing- Molly Moon

Module 16: Heart Chakra 2

Heart Chakra Asana- #19 - Jolie

Gratitude Journal

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 15 'The Ultimate Person' with Nina

Yoga Sutras- Shelly

Backbends 2 asana lab-Kati/Jesse

Metta Meditation with NinaPranayama and Energy- Molly Moon (89:06)


Module 17: Throat Chakra

Yin & Yang Vissudha Flow with Nina

Gratitude Journal

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 16 'Divine Traits and Demonic Traits' with Nina

Throat Chakra- Kati

Side Bends Asana Lab- Kati/Jesse

SequencingThroat Chakra Meditation- Stefanie

Share your Voice!- Stefanie


Module 18:Throat Chakra2

Throat Chakra Asana #21- Solaya

Gratitude Journal

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 17 'Three Kinds of Faith' with Nina

Cosmic Activation and Mantra- Surya

Forward Bends Asana Lab- Kati/Jesse

Soul Song meditation #21- Stefanie

Speaking your truth- Shelly


Module 19: Third Eye

Third eye Asana #22- Molly Moon

Gratitude Journal

Bhagavad Gita (Final) Chapter 18 'Freedom Through Renunciation' with NinaThird Eye- Kati

Standing Balances- Kati/Jesse

Third eye Meditation #22- Asiya

Intuitive writing- Shelly


Module 20: Third Eye 2

Third Eye Asana- #23- Shelly

Gratitude Journal

Yoga and the practice of Death- Jackie

Arm Balance- Asana Lab- Kati/Jesse

Third eye meditation- #23- Nina

Integrative Energy- Surya

Module 21: Crown Chakra

Crown Chakra Asana- Inversions- Kati


Crown Chakra- Kati

Inversions Asana Lab- Kati/Jesse

Connecting to your spirit Guides- Nina

A new Earth and 5 D Consciousness- Nina


Module 22:Crown Chakra2

Gratitude Journal

Dharma- Connecting to your higher purpose- Surya

Grounded Inversion Asana Lab- Kati/Jesse

Cosmic Crown Meditation #25- Stefanie

Reincarnation and Past life Regression- Megan

Crown Chakra Asana #25-Shelly


Module 23:Soul Star

Soul Star asana- Molly Moon

Writing Meditations

Soul Star Chakra- Kati

Kundalini Workshop- Molly Moon

Soul Star Mediation #26- Jolie

Shadow Work- Nina


Module 24

Morning Asana- Animal Movement through the medicine wheel - Kati

Gratitude Journal

Mantras and Mudras- Nina

Shamanic Practice- Surya

One Earth Mediation- Stefanie

Communicating with Mother Gaia- Stefanie


Module 25

Traditional Hatha- Asiya

Astrology Workshop- Stella

Vitalism- Kati

Chakra Balancing Mediation #28- Nina

Yoga Sutras Transmissions- Molly Moon (20:18)

Module 26

Self Care- Kati

Identifying Postural Differences and Sequencing for private clients - Megan

Remember Meditation#29- Stefanie

Presenting yourself online- Shelly


Module 27:Crown Chakra2

Explore the Yogic Siddhis- Jackie

Long Form Vedic Mantras with Harmonium- Megan

Mediation #30- Molly Moon

Integrating Intense Experiences- Molly Moon


Module 28: Yin

Morning Asana 4 YIN with Kati

Gratitude Journal 4

Meridian Line with Molly Moon

Yin Postures Asana Lab with Kati/Jesse

Inner Child and Forgiveness Meditation #4 Asiya

The Practice of Yin with Molly Moon


Module 29:Yin2

Pyjama Yin Yoga with Nina

Hatha Yoga with Jackie

Fascia and Samskaras with Nina

Yin Posture 2 Asana Lab with Kati/ Jesse

Health Spa of Light Meditation #5- Asiya

The Emotional Body with Molly Gene



Module 30: Yin3

Asana 6- Molly Moon

Gratitude Journal

How to Teach Yin- Megan

Yin Posture Asana Lab with Kati

Yoga Nidra Meditation #6 with Nina

Yin Yoga Sequencing and Holding Space with Nina

What You'll Need

Required Textbooks

Required Textbooks

(most availableย on kindle)

1. Bhagavad Gitaย byย Stephen Mitchell


2. The Yoga Sutras of Patanjaliย byย Sri Swami Satchidananda


3. The Complete Guide to Yin Yoga: The Philosophy and Practice of Yin Yoga by Bernie Clark


4. The Subtle Body - An Encyclopedia of Your Energetic Anatomy - Cyndi Dale


5. The Magic by Rhonda Byrne (provided as PDF in the course)

Additional Materials

Yoga Mat

Notebook with lined paper, 2 is recommendedย 

Journal for writing and collecting quotes and things

Writing instruments (pens/pencils)


โ€‹Yoga Clothes


2 Blocks, 1 Bolster, 1 Strap are recommended but not required

A Fully Accredited Program


Answering your most common questions

Training begins as soon as you are ready once you register.

Pre-recorded with support as you need it.

Yes it is Yoga Alliance certified and is internationally recognized.

Books and any props you don't currently have.

Yes, we have an entire workshop dedicated to teaching students technology for recording classes and teaching online as well as in person.

We ask you to send us demonstration videos practicing and honing your skills in which we give you feedback on.

This is a self paced course and we are here for you at any time for support.

More of a lecture style with videos, reading, and course questions to help you integrate and embody what is learned.

A computer, laptop, ipad, or tablet. It is possible to take this course with a phone only. The teaching platform has an app.

More questions?