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Full Moon Saleπ Enjoy 10β60% Off on Online Sessions
Write your own protection and boundaries statement. Let it come organically from your intuition and heart. You'll want to state this mentally or out loud before any and all channeling practices.
Sample Protection Statement:
I call upon the divine light and guidance of my higher self, spirit guides, angels, and all benevolent beings of light. I ask for your protection and support as I embark on this channeling session.
I now create a safe and sacred space around me, encircled by a brilliant white light that shields me from any negative or intrusive energies. May this light cleanse and purify my space, allowing only those energies that align with love, compassion, and my highest good to enter.
I affirm my intention to connect only with benevolent entities and energies that support my spiritual growth and well-being. I am grounded, centered, and open to receive wisdom and guidance that serves my highest purpose.
May this session be filled with clarity, understanding, and healing. Thank you for your presence and protection.
Safety Protocols and Energetic Boundaries for Channeling
1. Grounding and Centering:
Begin each session by grounding yourself through deep breathing, visualization, or mindfulness to anchor your energy and connect with the Earth's supportive energies.
2. Invoke Divine Protection:
Call upon divine protection from your spirit guides, angels, or higher beings. Visualize a protective shield of white light around you to deflect negative energies and ensure a safe channeling space.
3. Clarify Your Intentions:
Define your intentions for channeling and establish boundaries regarding the energies and entities you will connect with. Affirm your commitment to channeling only benevolent energies that serve your highest good.
4. Invoke Universal Laws:
Uphold ethical standards by invoking universal laws such as the Law of Free Will and the Law of Love and Light. Respect the autonomy of all beings and avoid energies that do not align with love and compassion.
5. Establish Communication Protocols:
Set clear communication protocols with your spirit guides to facilitate safe channeling. Establish signals for pausing or adjusting energy flow as needed.
6. Practice Discernment:
Cultivate intuitive discernment to assess the authenticity of energies and messages received. Trust your intuition and validate information critically.
7. Release Attachments:
Let go of specific outcomes or expectations to allow energy to flow intuitively. Surrender to divine guidance during your sessions.
8. Practice Self-Care:
Prioritize your well-being post-channeling. Take time to rest, ground yourself, and release any excess energy. Seek support from trusted friends or mentors if needed.
By implementing these protocols, you create a secure environment for spiritual growth and self-discovery in your channeling practice. Honor your intuition and divine guidance as you navigate the realms of psychic channeling with integrity and compassion.
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