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October 01, 2024 2 min read

Hello Beautiful Souls…

Welcome, gorgeous Librans! 🍂 Fall has arrived, wrapped in a symphony of evocative smells—crisp leaves tumbling to the ground, wood fires crackling, fiery sunsets painting the sky, and of course, pumpkin spice filling the air. 🌾 Not only are the skies changing, but the energy around us is shifting dramatically as well. With the days growing shorter, we’re entering a month infused with healing, spiritual communication, and powerful awakenings.

Now is the perfect time to pause, reset, and tune into your higher self. As October kicks off, we’re greeted by a truly cosmic event—the first New Moon of autumn, arriving alongside a powerful Solar Eclipse on October 2nd at 2:49pm ET/11:49am PT. 🌚✨

Eclipses are celestial wild cards—known for their shake-ups, but also for the potential they hold to accelerate healing and growth. This month's Solar Eclipse occurs near the South Node of the Moon, a point representing release and letting go. This cosmic alignment invites profound changes, urging us to shed what no longer serves us. We are at a crossroads—it's time to reflect on how we engage with the world and what kind of future we’re creating.

This eclipse season is an opportunity to look in the mirror and understand the path that brought us here, allowing us to awaken fully to our purpose. It’s a time for reflection, realignment, and perhaps even fighting for what’s right. Think of this as a call to rebalance, to recommit to what brings about true justice, both in the world and within ourselves. ⚖️

If the eclipse energy has you feeling scattered, don't worry—you’re not alone. The key to navigating this period of cosmic chaos is to connect with your own inner scales of justice and find your equilibrium amidst the rocky landscape. 🌪️

Waning and New Moons have always symbolized new beginnings, and this one is no exception. It’s an especially potent time to embark on a journey inward, confronting the shadows that need releasing. Unexpected twists may arise in relationships, spiritual growth, or even finances. Yet, these shifts might be exactly what’s needed to bring clarity and balance. Be honest—but remember, filter your truths through Libra’s delicate sieve of diplomacy and tact. ♎

With Venus ruling this lunar energy, your personal love life might step into the spotlight. Steamy romances, deep connections, or even imbalances may reveal themselves. But fear not—Libra, though charming and sometimes indecisive (like me), has a way of cutting through the haze and seeing things with crystal clarity. 💫

As there are two eclipses shaping this Libra season, it's wise to refrain from ritual work or magick during these times, as eclipse energy can be unpredictable. Instead, focus on grounding routines and tools that protect and nurture your energy. This is a time to recommit to loving yourself fully—mind, body, and spirit. 🌟

As you navigate this season, shine your light brightly. And remember—don’t let anyone keep you in the dark. 🔮

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