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September 10, 2019 3 min read

September brings the season of the harvest, and it's safe to say that the harvest moon

(besides being a most gorgeous sight) is a reminder to release and tie up loose ends. It's also Friday the 13th!

Fears about this day are deeply rooted in history, tradition, folklore and juju. There are so many superstitions about this day, but this particular full moon β€” coupled with the 13th of September β€” are especially blessed.

If you're afraid of Friday the Thirteenth, you may experience what's called friggatriskaidekaphobia.

"The word comes from Frigga, the name of the Norse goddess for whom Friday is named, and triskaidekaphobia, or fear of the number thirteen," says Julia Greenberg.

Friday is seen as a day for love and 13 has had many magical association since ancient times. Celebration of Friday the 13th started with the ancient Europeans, who connected the day to two wondrous things: Friday, the day to celebrate the Goddess Venus, and the number 13, which represented the number of moon cycles in a year. The 13th is also known as Saga Dawa, a Tibetan holiday that commemorates the birth, enlightenment and death of Buddha.

We all know from books and lore that those in power felt God/Goddess worship was a threat. Squashing an entire religion wasn't easy. But creating fear of a simple number? No problem. Ancient rulers connected the number 13 with evil and bad luck β€” a public relations campaign that has continued into modern times. Freddy and Jason, anyone?

On September 14th, the full harvest moon will shine bright in the watery sign of Pisces! Come dancing on this most magical night and let healing and blessings flow. The month of September ushers in the Fall Equinox/Mabon (harvest festival), a celebration that signals the start of a new season, and the start of a new cycle of energy: the halfway point of the year, a time of equal light and dark.

In numerology, September holds the powerful vibration of the number 9; three

has always been considered the number of harmony, wisdom and understanding

and 3 x 3 equals 9. In the Tarot, three is the card of the Empress and the Triple

Moon/Triple Goddess shows the aspects of the goddess as maiden, mother and


Embracing Light and Dark on the Full Moon
To truly live we must be brave enough to explore our layers of consciousness, to dive deeper into the murky waters of our inner self. Looking into the shadows is a way of looking at the aspects of yourself that you try to keep hidden. These habits are what can often keep you from moving forward.

So as light and dark balance equally so must the sides of ourselves. Let the light of the moon settle into your soul and inspire you to go within. When we stop resisting and release our shadows in this way, we shine.

Full Moon Yoga and Self-Love
Then, put on your favorite moon music (Into the Mystic by Van Morrison comes to mind), because it is definitely the night for a magical crystal bath. Fill your tub with some

Himalayan salts, dandelions, wildflowers and an amethyst, rose quartz and piece

of selenite. Sure, to bring on some moonlight magic.

Here's a Pisces moon body-love yoga ritual (hold each pose for 5 breaths).

Mountain-Boat-Reverse Plank-Cobbler-Fish-Savasana

May your full moon be sumptuously blessed, and here's a special treat for your listening delight: my favorite September Song.

Image by: Frank Cone

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