Full Moon Sale🎊 Enjoy 10–60% Off on Online Sessions
Full Moon Sale🎊 Enjoy 10–60% Off on Online Sessions
March 25, 2021 2 min read
Hello Moonbeams!!!
WOW the Pisces moon has been a potent one! Thank the goddess Luna has moved into Libra ending this month with a potent Full Worm Moon Sunday March 28th at 11:48 am PDT/2:48 pm EDT. More than anything Libra desires balance (I should know, I am a triple Libra!), so this moon ushers in a time to focus on areas we have neglected and restoring harmony to our lives, focusing on that root chakra to keep us centered and grounded and the heart for some self-love. There are three things you can do during this Full Moon in Libra: release what is no longer serving you, take a self- love bath, and use this energy to make changes in the month to come. Be aware though… Libra is the most peace-loving sign of the zodiac, so this is a time when we want to focus on keeping the peace.
The sign of Libra is the element of Air, which rules over our thoughts. Under this influence we can stew and be self-critical, especially if we feel we’re not feeling confident in terms of love. Time to water those seeds and focus on healing oneself this month. Offerings to the Goddess are always good during a Full Moon in Libra. Ways to Ritualize this Moon
• Crystals: Sapphire, Peridot, Rose Quartz
• Herbs: Roses, Elderberry, Nutmeg
• Love Bath: organic pink salts, dried rose petals, lavender buds, a little ylang-ylang & vanilla eo’s and add a rose quartz to the tub…and light pink/red candles
Libra reigns over all relationships. Governed by Venus—planet & Goddess of love, romance and pleasure—when we live deep in the well of love, we live with justice and integrity as our guiding force. So, yearn for your big love sisters, feel the wanting and turn to your inner temple, light the fires, make love to yourself with presence and speak sweet nothings into your ears...that special someone may also hear.
For all those with a little Libra in them... and to all you genuine through-and through-Libra souls (there is no mistaking us!!!) I wish you love on your special day.
Libra rules the lumbar spine, kidneys and adrenal glands.
Please enjoy this body-love yoga ritual…
Bow~Chaturanga~Upward Dog~Downward Dog~Dancer~Warrior II~Reverse Warrior~Goddess~Tree~Easy Pose
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