July 23, 2022 5 min read

Do you want to know what type of yoga is best for you?

Are you wondering how different yoga types of asanas and pranayamas can transform your life and boost your fitness levels? Can you tell the difference between restorative and power yoga?

There are numerous amazing yoga types, styles, and asanas. Whether you are looking for a relaxing blend of meditation with exercise to calm your nerves, or are searching for a challenging and more rhythmic flow; these different postures have something to offer everyone.

Yoga is an ancient practice that forms a deep connection between mind, body, and soul. It helps you to balance your emotions. The mental and physical advantages associated with this activity are incredible. There are plenty of yoga types of asanas, all of which have distinctive features, styles, and benefits. This way, you can choose something that YOU actually like. Whether you are an experienced yogi looking to level up your fitness game or a newbie who wants to improve life quality – practicing different asanas can prove to be wondrous for you.

Although these yoga forms have evolved over time, their essence remains the same. This guide will help you to explore the different types of yoga. So, keep on reading!

Beginner’s guide to 10 amazing types of yoga

1.     Vinyasa yoga

Vinyasa or flow yoga is an extension of the Ashtanga style. It involves a special combination of breathing techniques and meditation movements. In Vinyasa, the poses and movements are synchronized with breaths. The continuous ‘flow’ between the poses helps you to achieve a remarkable calming effect. 

Some yoga types of Vinyasa include;

  • Low plank pose
  • Cat/cow pose
  • Downward dog pose
  • Sun salutation pose

This type of yoga is a great choice for you if you wish to build strength and endurance. The beauty of Vinyasa lies in its flexibility and rhythmicity. The mindful approach achieved by this aerobic yoga style is phenomenal, and it provides continuous rhythmic flow that helps to soothe nerves.

2.     Hatha yoga

Hatha is derived from Sanskrit origin and is a more ‘traditional’ form of yoga. It is composed of slower movements and ample stretches. The word ‘Hatha’ means sun and moon. 

In essence, this yoga type of stretching is all about balancing the opposing forces. If you wish to strengthen your core, hatha yoga can help you to do that. It is often recommended for people who have sleep problems or anxiety issues, and it creates a positive impact on mental and physical health.

If you are a complete beginner, starting with the Hatha asana is always a good idea. It enables you to relieve stress and become more mindful. 

Some poses that are involved in Hatha yoga are;

  • Headstand pose
  • Mountain pose
  • Shoulder stand pose
  • Downward dog pose
  • Plow pose
  • Fish pose

3.     Kundalini yoga

Kundalini is also a Sanskrit word meaning ‘coil.’ In yogic terms, it refers to the dormant energy that lies at the base of our spines. Kundalini yoga helps to unlock the seven chakras (energy regulators) in the body. It involves a combination of repetitive movements, chanting mantras, and special breathing techniques. The energy flows through these chakras to create a marvelous impact on your physical and mental health. 

Furthermore, this type helps in improving strength and flexibility. Kundalini yoga is for you if you wish to:

-          Improve your cognitive skills

-          Achieve mental peace

-          Ease stress and anxiety

-          Strengthen and tone your muscles

The poses involved in Kundalini yoga are;

  •         Shoulder twist pose
  •         Archer pose
  •         Downward dog pose
  •         Easy pose
  •         Stretch pose
  •         Cobra pose
  •         Corpse pose
  •         Tree pose

4.     Ashtanga yoga

Ashtanga is a very powerful and physically challenging form of yoga. It encompasses eight special poses combined with deep, controlled breathing techniques. These fixed postures are very dynamic and powerful. All of these poses are performed in a specific order. If you wish to master the Ashtanga yoga style, getting help from an experienced teacher can benefit you. The focal points are different for every pose. And Ashtanga helps in improving physical strength. 

The eight steps involved in this type of yoga are;

  1. Yama
  2. Niyama
  3. Asana
  4. Pranayama
  5. Pratyahara
  6. Dharana
  7. Dhyana
  8. Samadhi

5.     Anusara yoga

Anusara yoga is a modern extension of hatha yoga. It means 'to flow with grace.'

The main aim of this type is to boost heart health. It comprises a graceful combination of more than 260 poses. In Anusara, you will get to focus on the three main 'A's'; attitude, alignment, and action. The distinctive focal points in these poses help you to open your heart and achieve calmness.

6.     Iyengar Yoga

Are you looking for an activity that can help you relieve pain, improve posture, protect you from diseases and strengthen your core?

If yes, then Iyengar is the right choice for you. This yoga type of physical exercise involves slow poses where you hold yourself for a long duration. It involves a set of precise movements that mainly focus on the body’s alignment.

The main poses in this yoga type are;

  • Side plank pose
  • Camel pose
  • Supine chest movements
  • Downward dog pose

7.     Bikram yoga

Bikram is a powerful, dynamic form of yoga. It is also known as ‘hot’ yoga and involves over 26 postures. This physical exercise is great for detoxifying the body and improving muscular strength. It is ideal for you if you wish to build a yogic routine!

8.     Restorative yoga

This type is all about being restful. It involves slowed poses, deep breathing techniques, and passive stretching that help you to relax and restore. The main aim of restorative yoga is to shift your balance from a fight-or-flight response to your relaxation and calming phase. If you are undergoing chronic stress or find it really hard to relax after work, practicing this activity can help you to achieve relaxation. The best part? You can also sleep during the class! There is only a handful of poses in restorative yoga class, but they are super helpful to distress, relax and lighten up.

9.     Prenatal yoga

This is specifically designed for ‘moms-to-be.’ Pregnancy is truly one of the most beautiful and memorable times in a woman’s life. Incorporating prenatal yoga during this period can help in inducing labor and enable you to stay active, healthy, and fit. However, please make sure that you are performing this exercise under the supervision of a certified yoga trainer.

10. Yin yoga

Yin yoga is a slow-paced form in which the poses are held for up to 5 minutes. This yoga type of exercise derives its roots in Chinese origin. It helps to improve your general well-being by relieving pain and energizing deeper connective tissues. The poses usually help from 1 to 5 minutes. These longer-held poses radiate energy and help you release the tension. Some of these are;

  • Butterfly pose
  • Twisted dragon pose
  • Square pose
  • Banana pose

There are numerous yoga types of physical exercises and asanas, all of which have unique characteristics and benefits. We hope the above blog post has helped you to explore the different types and styles of yoga. If you want to enroll in yoga classes to improve your well-being, head to our website right now. We offer private sessions and classes to help people boost their confidence, fitness, and energy levels.

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